Welcome, Carina!
We are so excited to welcome a new NWI Center for Maternal Wellness volunteer, Carina Lane!
Carina has worked with children, prenatal through adolescence, for nearly 20 years as a teacher, home visitor and family engagement specialist. She has worked at Headstart & Early Headstart programs, both in urban and suburban areas, and most recently worked in infant and early childhood mental health and early intervention as a Developmental Therapist in Indiana & Illinois. She has also worked in child welfare, advocating for what is best for young children and their caregivers as a Developmental Infant Mental Health Specialist. Carina consults for various other ventures including Prenatal to Five policy work and Lovevery as a Social Emotional Specialist. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Human Development & Family Studies with a focus in Child Life and Multicultural Studies, a Master's in Early Childhood Education, and two post graduate certificates in Infant & Early Childhood Mental Health and Infant Specialist. She is currently in her specialization year in a Master of Social Work program focused on Perinatal Health and will be a therapist intern with a Perinatal Mental Health practice in Chicago.
Carina's most important role however is as a mom to two kids, ages 2 and 6, where she has learned her most valuable lessons. Carina had Postpartum Anxiety after her youngest child was born and after this experience, along with her experience of medical racism, she decided to be a part of the solution, realizing that finding culturally relevant and inclusive support was extraordinarily difficult, especially in Indiana. Carina is fluent in Spanish and is a retired military veteran's wife and she hopes to be able expand the scope of support offered at the NWI Center for Maternal Wellness.
Welcome to the Center, Carina! We are so grateful to have you on our team!
